June 29, 2024

Not down with it: NBA fines Joel Embiid for DX celebration

Not down with it: NBA fines Joel Embiid for DX celebration
Bill Streicher / USA TODAY Sports

The Philadelphia 76ers’ Joel Embiid is one of basketball’s biggest trolls. And he was at it again in the Sixers’ 137-133 win over the Brooklyn Nets.

Embiid, known for his on-court shenanigans, broke one out against the Nets midway through the third period, after making a basket while getting fouled. After his successful drive, the All-Star big man celebrated accordingly, doing the crotch chop that was first popularized by Degeneration-X, the ‘renegade’ WWE group formed by Shawn Michaels and Triple H, in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Take a look:

It appears Kevin Durant, who didn’t play in that 76ers-Nets showdown, took notice and took umbrage:

The NBA seems to agree, deeming Embiid’s celebration an “obscene gesture” and fining him $25,000 for it. Curiously, it was not the first time Embiid has done the same move in a game, as seen in this tweet by the big man himself:

The $25,000 fine isn’t a first for Embiid either, as he has racked up over $100,000 for various transgressions, including flipping the middle finger at Kevin Huerter, then playing for the Atlanta Hawks, in a 2020 game between the 76ers and Hawks. Embiid has also been fined for criticizing officials and using foul language in interviews.

The good news for Embiid is he can afford the hefty fine, as his salary for this season is just a little over $33 million. And he will make even more in the coming years, as his salary will progressively increase, starting at $46 million next season to over $58 million in the 2026–2027 season. The bad news is that Embiid seems to be taking this troll thing to heart a little too much.